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Spawn Your First Environment in 5 Minutes Using Raftt

If you follow the instructions in this guide, you will have a fully functional dev env of our sample project set up in less than 5 minutes. If you want to dive deeper, check out one of our tutorials.

Step 1 - Install Raftt

Use Homebrew or cURL to install Raftt CLI on macOS.

brew install rafttio/tap/raftt  


curl -fsSL | bash

To verify the installation was successful, run raftt version in your shell.

Step 2 - Try Our Sample Project

We created TooDoo, a simple to-do application, as a sample project to help you onboard Raftt quickly, without using your code.

The project is mainly written in Python (Flask) with some Go, but familiarity with these languages isn't necessary to complete this tutorial.

  1. Clone the project's repo - git clone
  2. cd into the repo's folder.
  3. Run raftt up and wait for Environment is ready! to be printed.
    1. You will be prompted to log in with your GitHub account.
    2. Please note that building and deploying the images might take a minute or two.

Step 3 - Success

You can now start accessing your environment -

  1. Open your browser to the published port 3000
    1. Make changes to code and see them reflected remotely!
  2. Create a shareable link to the application using raftt expose web.
  3. Switch between git branches (git checkout v2) and see your remote environment change seamlessly.
  4. raftt sh dev for accessing the dev container.
  5. raftt logs web for seeing logs.

Read the CLI reference for more commands.


Going over on of our full tutorials will give you a better sense of raftt's capabilities and all the ways it makes your dev process easier.

What's Next?

Try Raftt with your own projects. If you went through one of our tutorials you should know how easy it is.